Table wine

Citta grande
Table wine Citta grande red medium sweet 750ml
Città Grande is a wine created with the aim of combining style, nobility and unsurpassed taste. Its ..
Citta grande p/s
Table wine Citta grande p/s 750ml
Sitta Grande p/s is a wonderful wine with extraordinary deep luxury and complexity. The palate has h..
City of love Russia
Table wine City of love Russia red medium sweet 700ml
Table wine “City of Love Russia” is the perfect combination of traditional Russian wine and unique c..
City stuff pack.
Table wine City stuff pack. red medium sweet 1L
Table wine "City thing pack" is a noble, crisp wine with an exquisite taste and aroma. It was grown ..
City stuff pack.
Table wine City stuff pack. white medium sweet 1L
The urban little thing Pak is a real table wine with an original and unusual appearance and aroma. T..
Classic cabernet bow
Table wine Classic cabernet bow red dry 750ml
Wine "Classic Cabernet Bant" is an ancient tradition that comes from the highest traditions of winem..
Classic chardonnay bow
Table wine Classic chardonnay bow white dry 750ml
Classic Chardonnay Bant is a wine for lovers of exceptional wine adventures. It combines subtle citr..
Classic muscat bow
Table wine Classic muscat bow white medium sweet 750ml
Classic Muscat Bant is an aromatic and refined wine. The taste of this wine is a delicate muscatel a..
Classic tamyanka bow
Table wine Classic tamyanka bow white medium sweet 750ml
The wonderful wine "Classic Tamyanka Bant" is an ideal addition to a table feast. This light and ple..
Classic varna bow
Table wine Classic varna bow white medium sweet 750ml
Classic Varna onion is a real work of art, delivering amazing impressions to even the most sophistic..
Clave indaco
Table wine Clave indaco white dry 750ml
Table wine "Indaco Clave" is a combination of woody and floral aromas that combine in a harmonious t..
Clave Indako
Table wine Clave Indako rose medium dry 750ml
Clave Indako is a Spanish wine brand that has proven itself to be the perfect combination of traditi..
Clave Indako
Table wine Clave Indako red medium dry 750ml
Clave Indako is a precious wine produced from incredibly fine varieties of the passionately beloved ..
Clave Indako
Table wine Clave Indako white dry 750ml
Clave Indako is a wine with a unique aroma and wonderful taste. It is made from exceptionally high-q..
Clave Indako
Table wine Clave Indako white medium sweet 750ml
Clave Indako is a wine of exceptional taste and aroma, which was prepared using the best classical t..
Found 6910
Table wine is a versatile drink that will be the perfect complement to any meal. It is created for everyday consumption, thanks to its simplicity and affordability. Grape varieties used to produce table wine are selected based on their compatibility with a wide range of dishes - from simple pasta to exquisite meat dishes and desserts. The taste of table wine is delicate and soft, with subtle fruity notes that have a pleasant freshness and lightness. It will be an excellent choice for any party or dinner with friends, where its simplicity and versatility will ensure perfect enjoyment for all guests.