Table wine Classic cabernet bow red dry 12% 750ml

  • Color:  red
  • Sugar:  dry
  • Strength 12 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Bulgaria

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Wine "Classic Cabernet Bant" is an ancient tradition that comes from the highest traditions of winemaking. This fine wine combines unsurpassed quality and taste. The taste of this wine, thanks to its delicate balance and color, is complemented by the aroma of fresh and aromatic fruits, citrus acidity and tart notes. The expression of taste captivates the eye, and the aroma creates a real feast for enjoyment. This wine is ideal for long, joyful parties and is perfect for festive occasions. It is ideal for a party or a romantic dinner for two. Overall, the Classic Cabernet Bant wine is a wine you can only dream of. It's perfect for any occasion and brings light and grace to any room.