Table wine Cabernet red medium sweet 10-12% 750ml

  • Color:  red
  • Sugar:  medium sweet
  • Strength 10-12 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Moldova

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Cabernet is a table wine with a long and rich taste. In itself, it is a symbiosis of floral beauty and deep sincerity. The aroma of wood and tangerine gives the wine additional depth. As a rule, Cabernet wine contains notes such as vanilla, rose and wood. It creates the perfect balance between sweetness and subtle acidity. The color of the wine is red-burgundy, and the stripe when rotating the glass is quite long. The wine tastes like a bittersweet composition of fruits and berries, which gives it a longer aftertaste. This wine is ideal for preparing fish and egg dishes. Cabernet wine is quite popular and valued in many countries around the world, and its character gives it individuality and special appeal.


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