Table wine Chardonnay st dry 750ml

  • Sugar:  dry
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Bulgaria

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Table wine "Street Chardonnay" is a sweet, dry wine with a pleasant aroma and taste. In its production, the grape varieties Grenache, Syrah and Mourvèdre are used. The wine has a dark red color with an exquisite pearlescent red stripe on the sides. It reveals pleasant notes of ripe berries, caramel and flowering meadows. It has a sweet and rich taste with delicate tannins of chocolate and vanilla. The bouquet is dominated by voluptuous and soft aromas of citrus and tangerine flowers. And the aftertaste contains caramel tannins and notes of milk chocolate. This wine is perfect with a variety of sauces and fish and meat dishes. It will be the perfect addition to any party or dinner.