Table wine Corte de vega red medium sweet 11% 750ml

  • Color:  red
  • Sugar:  medium sweet
  • Strength 11 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Spain

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Wine "Corte de Vega" is a wine created with love and pride from the beautiful vineyards of Spain. This is a combination of aroma and dramatic taste, giving the wine uniqueness and nobility. Wine "Corte de Vega" combines the character of soft table wines and an inexhaustible bouquet of aromas and tastes. This wine has a bouquet of berry, floral and spicy aromas, as well as a deep and complex taste. Overall, Corte de Vega wine is a combination of woody and fruity notes that create an interesting and unique aroma and taste. It's perfect for holiday cooking and goes great with a variety of seafood dishes.


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