Table wine Alazani Valley white medium sweet 11% 750ml

  • Color:  white
  • Sugar:  medium sweet
  • Strength 11 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Georgia

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"Alazani Valley" is an invariably delicious table wine that can give you a boundless pleasant aroma and sweet appeal of taste. The smell combines the tenderness of sweet fruits, muted by pleasant shades of berries and reflections of olive oil. The orange-golden color is combined with a deep, pleasant bitterness, giving this wine a special sophistication. On the palate, Alazani Valley presents an incredibly refined aroma of a beautiful harmony of fruity, floral and berry notes, complemented by a wonderful hint of olive oil. There is a slight sourness on the tongue, smoothly turning into a pleasant bitterness. The well-balanced taste of the Alazani Valley makes it an ideal choice for table wine connoisseurs.


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