Table wine Baron de lucson red medium sweet 8.5-15% 750ml

  • Color:  red
  • Sugar:  medium sweet
  • Strength 8.5-15 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • France

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"Baron de Lusson" is an excellent table wine produced in the Ardennes, France. This aromatic and fruity wine tastes like many other wines from the region. But to fully appreciate Baron de Lusson, you need to taste it. That is why his choice strikes with great delight. This wine delights us with a combination of aromas and tastes, as well as a harmonious and perfect balance. On the palate, Baron de Lusson presents notes of vanilla and wood, with a slight berry bitterness. That is why it is perfect for meat and fish dishes, as well as fruit and cheese dishes. All in all, Baron de Lusson is a perfect example of an Ardennes wine, and will always be a worthy variation for any occasion.


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