Table wine Cabernet Valley red medium sweet 10-12% 1L

  • Color:  red
  • Sugar:  medium sweet
  • Strength 10-12 %
  • Volume 1 L
  • Russia

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Valley Cabernet is a table wine from the Valdorna Valley in Spain, known for its production of quality wines. This wine is made from a blend of grape varieties including Merlot Peron, Syrah, Garn and Granaja. The wine has a velvety and juicy aroma of mirin, citrus and cherry, as well as spicy notes. The taste combines notes of citrus, lemon, orange, almond and aromatic cherry. The wine has a long and sweetish aftertaste. Valley Cabernet goes well with drinks, pizza and cheese pastas. This aromatic and rich wine will perfectly decorate any of your events.


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