Table wine Inima merlot red medium sweet 10% 750ml

  • Color:  red
  • Sugar:  medium sweet
  • Strength 10 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Moldova

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Inima Merlot is a table wine produced from the Merlot Praño grape variety in the famous vineyards of Rioja de France. This is a noble wine with a unique aroma of floral and fruity notes and a pleasantly attractive taste. It has hints of berries such as plum and raspberry, as well as floral aromas such as violet and lily. On the palate it is relaxed, delicate and elegant, with a well-defined balance of acid and sweetness. Inima Merlot is an ideal wine for various celebrations and friendly gatherings. It goes well with cheeses, meats and fish, as well as desserts. Enjoy this wine for a pleasant time together with friends.


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