Table wine Cypress merlot red medium sweet 12% 1L

  • Color:  red
  • Sugar:  medium sweet
  • Strength 12 %
  • Volume 1 L
  • Russia

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Cypress Merlot is a beautiful table wine from the city of Munich, Germany. It has a rich and delicate aroma of green apple, tangerine and cherry. This wine has a strong and bright spicy bitterness. The taste is delicate and juicy, with a pleasant fruity aftertaste. Cypress Merlot is the perfect wine for any occasion. It goes well with fish and pasta dishes, as well as heavier dishes such as beef and veal. This wine is quite strong and is ideal for dinners and friendly meetings. The aroma and taste of Cypress Merlot will remain in the memory long after the meal is finished.


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