Table wine Cinco red medium sweet 11.5% 750ml

  • Color:  red
  • Sugar:  medium sweet
  • Strength 11.5 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Spain

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Table wine "Cinco" is a real work of winemaking art, representing a combination of noble, unique taste qualities. It was made from premium grape varieties that grow on the southern slopes of the Alps and have a unique aroma and taste. This wine is an ideal accompaniment to Italian dishes or fine cheeses. In addition, it complements seafood dishes well. Wine "Cinco" has an intense aroma with floral notes and refreshing tones of citrus. The taste is rich and harmonious, with a long and pleasant aftertaste. Wine "Cinco" is an ideal combination for treating dear guests or an excellent solution for your favorite bottles for a home party.


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