Vermouth Vittore Tinto Cherubino Valsangiacomo red sweet 15% 750ml

  • Color:  red
  • Sugar:  sweet
  • Strength 15 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Spain

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"Vittore Tinto Cherubino Valsangiacomo" is a wine, a drink of the gods, woven from the best Italian grape varieties. With its juicy aroma with notes of vanilla, chocolate and shag, it will perfectly complement any dish. Its color is dark red, and its taste is characterized by bright tones of black berries, woody tones and sweet citruses. The drink is ideal for festive meals and ideal for romantic parties. "Vittore Tinto Cherubino Valsangiacomo" is a combination of the soul of Italian landscapes and a truly unforgettable taste.


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