Wine drink Khristoforov Association Porto Alushta Krymsky red medium sweet 17% 750ml

  • Color:  red
  • Sugar:  medium sweet
  • Strength 17 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  •   Crimea

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"Khristoforov Association Porto Alushta Krymsky" is a real asset for lovers of true wine. This drink is a unique mixture of aromas and tastes, united by ancient traditions of wine production. The drink noblely imparts fruitiness and bitterness to the taste, which are perfectly combined in perfect balance. Particular attention is paid to the uniqueness of the grapes used to produce wine, which adds a unique aroma and taste to the drink. The drink is ideal for diplomatic parties and is an excellent alternative to more famous wines. You simply cannot tear yourself away from your glass with Khristoforov Association Porto Alushta Krymsky!


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