Wine Forgotten Field white dry 12% 750ml

  • Color:  white
  • Sugar:  dry  15 g/l
  • Strength 12 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Grape:   Arinto   Chardonnay
  • Portugal   Lisbon   ZGU

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Forgotten Field is a wine that opens up a limited world of color and flavor to travelers. A delightful bouquet of raspberries, strawberries and black currants makes this wine unforgettable. Tannic and sweet notes are highlighted by crisp acidity, making it one of the most popular wines in the world. The flavor palette here is amazing, and it harmonizes perfectly with a lot of dishes. You will be immersed in the history and atmosphere of this forgotten field, which will be a constant reminder that true wealth can be found in the most unexpected places.


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