Wine Trenel Fleurie 2017y red dry 13% 750ml

  • Harvest 2017 y
  • Color:  red
  • Sugar:  dry
  • Strength 13 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Serving temperature  15–16 °C
  • Grape:   Gamay
  • France   Burgundy   Beaujolais   AOC

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Trenel Fleurie is an exceptional wine with pleasant notes of lightness and floral aromas, made from Fleurie flowers. It contains a light aroma of flowers and a taste of vanilla, giving it a unique charm. The wine has a deep color and a delicate bouquet of aromas that change as you drink. This wonderful wine is perfect for dinner with friends or for holiday celebrations. The taste of this exceptional wine will remain with you forever.


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