Wine Prestigium Blanc Moelleux white medium sweet 10.5% 750ml

  • Color:  white
  • Sugar:  medium sweet
  • Strength 10.5 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Serving temperature  8–10 °C
  • France

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Prestigium Blanc Moelleux is an amazing and unique wine produced in the northern part of France. The wine has an amazing white color with delicate golden hues. The aroma of the wine blooms with delicate notes of flowers and honey, as well as sweet fruits such as banana, orange and pineapple. The taste of the wine harmoniously combines sweetness, notes of honey and floral accords. The aftertaste is long and characterized by light honey notes. This wine is perfect for dishes with white meat, fish or fruit. Prestigium Blanc Molleus is the ideal wine for a luxurious and unforgettable dinner.


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