Wine Bovin Muscat Temjanika white medium dry 12% 750ml

  • Color:  white
  • Sugar:  medium dry
  • Strength 12 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Grape:   Muscat
  • Northern Macedonia   ZGU

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Bovin Muscat Temjanika is an exceptional and unique wine produced from the traditional Macedonian Muscat bunch. Dry grapes for the production of this wine are grown in the regions of Macedonia and Temski, and in the latter the so-called “Tema Muscat” is used, recognized throughout the world as the best Muscat variety. This wine has a pleasant muscat aroma with floral notes and a slight sourness in the aftertaste. Bovin Muscat Temjanika wine is ideal for cheeses and desserts, and is also ideal for a friendly party at home. This wine will give you an unforgettable experience and unsurpassed pleasure.