Wine Krimsky Vinniy Zavod Muskat white medium sweet 10% 700ml

  • Color:  white
  • Sugar:  medium sweet
  • Strength 10 %
  • Volume 700 ml
  • Grape:   Aligote   Chardonnay
  • Russia

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Krimsky Vinniy Zavod Muskat is an exceptional luxury wine produced in the northern part of Ukraine. This is a real art for the soul and fingers. The wine is beautifully grown and made using traditional methods and processes. It is a perfect combination of sweet and bitter taste, has a cool and pleasant aroma with floral notes. The drink is perfect for any occasion, including special occasions and holiday celebrations. The taste and aroma of Krimsky Vinniy Zavod Muskat will remain in your memory for a long time!


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