Wine La Ferme Du Mont Le Ponnant Cotes du Rhone Villages 2013y red dry 14.5% 750ml

  • Harvest 2013 y
  • Color:  red
  • Sugar:  dry
  • Strength 14.5 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • France   Rhone Valley   Cote du Rhone   AOP

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"La Ferme Du Mont Le Ponnant Cotes du Rhone Villages" is a wine with a unique aroma and taste, grown on a glorious estate in the Rhone Valley. It has a bright cherry color with a thick dark red hue and a pleasant aroma with floral and fruity notes. The taste is characterized by juicy berries, lingonberries and citruses characteristic of the region. It also has a pleasant bitterness and light tannins. This wine is the perfect complement to any dish and will bring you an unforgettable gastronomic pleasure.


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