Wine Meghri Pomegranate Reserve red medium sweet 12% 750ml

  • Color:  red
  • Sugar:  medium sweet
  • Strength 12 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Armenia

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Meghri Pomegranate Reserve is a rich and luxurious wine produced from high quality pomegranate berries in Armenia. The wine has a bright, pleasant aroma with notes of citrus, fig and floral accords, which combines perfectly with a strong body and dense tannins. The wine tastes pleasant, long and sweet, with notes of honey and pomegranate. The wine is ideal for going out with friends, ideally complementing appetizers, hearty salads and dishas. Meghri Pomegranate Reserve is a delicious and aromatic wine that will perfectly give you and your guests a unique and pleasant time when treating them.


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