Wine Marques de Valcarlos Crianza red dry 14% 750ml

  • Color:  red
  • Sugar:  dry
  • Strength 14 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Spain

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Marques de Valcarlos Crianza is a masterpiece of winemaking art, made from high-quality varieties from old vineyards in the Rioja region. This high-quality wine has a bright, dense color of a dark red hue with a golden sheen. The aroma is complex and attractive, characterized by fruity, cinnamon and precious woody notes. The drink presents a comfortable balance between acidity and astringency, a delicate and very pleasant aftertaste. Pairs perfectly with spicy dishes and meat. The original taste of Marques de Valcarlos Crianza will be the best decoration for your favorite dishes.


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