Wine Barolo Batasiolo red dry 14% 750ml

  • Color:  red
  • Sugar:  dry
  • Strength 14 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Italy   DOCG

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Barolo Batasiolo is an incredibly tasty and unique wine made from the Nebbiolo grapes of the Batasiolo family. The color of the wine is bright red, and the aroma combines notes of cherries, dried fruits and beans. The taste is sweetish, but very elegant, rich in subtle aromas of leaves, flowers and toffee. The balance of sweetness and acidity is perfectly expressed, highlighting the beauty and intensity of the aromas. In addition, the wine stands up well to long periods of aging, giving collectors a pleasant pleasure at every time. Barolo Batasiolo wine is an exquisite and exceptionally tasty wine, ideal for gourmet gourmets.


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