Wine Benito Ferrara Greco di Tufo Vigna Cicogna white dry 13% 750ml

  • Color:  white
  • Sugar:  dry
  • Strength 13 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Italy

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Benito Ferrara Greco di Tufo Vigna Cicogna is a unique Italian wine with a very expressive aroma and taste. This undisputed Campania classic showcases the breadth and depth of fine Italian wine pairings. The drink has a very intense color with a pale yellow edging. The aroma is rich and varied, with notes of ripe yeasty fruit and real mint. The taste is dominated by softness, harmony and a long aftertaste. Benito Ferrara Greco di Tufo Vigna Cicogna offers an incredibly fine cocktail of Italian aromas and flavors to create your wine pleasure.


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