Wine Braide Grande Pinot Grigio Collio Livon white dry 12% 750ml

  • Color:  white
  • Sugar:  dry
  • Strength 12 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Italy   DOC

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Braide Grande Pinot Grigio Collio Livon is the perfect combination of aromatic citrus notes and light sweetness. It is filled with bright fruity aromas such as lemon, white plum and pear. The wine has a delicate softness, complemented by a slight bitterness. This wine has a deep and juicy taste that perfectly complements fish dishes and seafood sauces. The bouquet perfectly complements the aroma of soft wood. For lovers of bitter wine, it will be an ideal choice. Braide Grande Pinot Grigio Collio Livon is the perfect combination of flavors that turns any wonderful evening gathering into an unforgettable one.


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