Wine Argyle spirithouse Pinot Noir 750ml

  • Volume 750 ml

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Argyle Spirithouse Pinot Noir is a delicious and beautifully balanced wine from the famous Argyle Hotel located in Oregon. This is a Pinot Novar variety with wonderful fruity aromas that give the wine a deep and unforgettable bittersweet flavor. During the winemaking process, Argyle vineyards are used, which grow on the banks of the Devon River. This wine has a deep brown color with subtle red hues. The aroma of this wine is permeated with aromas of berry fruit, floral notes and cherry, as well as a pleasant bittersweet aftertaste. On the palate, this wine has a dense texture and a pleasant, long finish. Ideal for pairing with colorful dishes such as sandwiches and pasta.


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