Wine Arizona stronghold vineyards nachise Red 2008y red 750ml

  • Harvest 2008 y
  • Color:  red
  • Volume 750 ml

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Arizona Stronghold Vineyards Nachise Red is an exceptional and versatile wine that marks the collaboration of two renowned wineries - Eric Glomski and Maynard James Keenan. It was created in the beautiful vineyards of Arizona, where unique grape varieties grow. This wine is a combination of classic aromas of cherry, strawberry and caramel for this area with attractive notes of vanilla and chocolate. The unique taste of Arizona Stronghold Vineyards Nachise Red is created through an original technique due to the unique balance between crisp acidity and pleasant sweetness. This wine is suitable for a festive meal, and will also be an ideal complement to sushi and other fine cuisine.


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