Wine B&g partager Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

  • Volume 750 ml
  • France

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B&g Partager Cabernet Sauvignon is a unique wine for lovers of high-quality products. It is created from the colorful, aromatic Cabernet Sauvignon grape variety, aged in oak barrels. The wine has an exquisite taste, thanks to which you can relax and enjoy the pleasant aroma. The drink has a dark red color and a very pleasant taste, with an exquisite invigorating aftertaste. B&g Partager Cabernet Sauvignon will perfectly complement any of your dishes and highlight the taste of any treat. It will be a great addition to your parties and celebrations. The pleasant aroma and taste of B&g Partager Cabernet Sauvignon will allow you to fully enjoy and enjoy the moment.


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