Wine Banfi vintners bnf col di sasso 00-03-04 bnf col di sasso 00-03-04 750ml

  • Volume 750 ml

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Banfi Vintners BNF Col di Sasso 00-03-04 is a wonderful wine with wonderful aromas of freshness and floral notes. The taste is delicate, pleasant and memorable, with light spicy accents. It combines the properties of other wines from this production, harmoniously complementing them with its extravagance. The wine is filled with aromas of fresh berries, sprinkled with spices and complemented by pleasant nuances of sweetness. The taste is completed by a subtle bitterness, which gives the wine an extraordinary sharpness and invigorating taste. Banfi Vintners BNF Col di Sasso 00-03-04 is the perfect combination of exceptional aromas and excellent taste.


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