Wine Banfi vintners bnf le rime p.grig/chard 04 bnf le rime p.grig/chard 04 750ml

  • Volume 750 ml

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Banfi Vintners Bnf Le Rime P.Grig/Chard 04 is an excellent red wine created from a unique combination of Pinot Grigio and Chardonnay grape varieties. The delicate, aromatic, flavorful palette of color and aroma will be a wonderful gift for wine lovers. The wine has an incredible depth of aromas and richness of color. This wine has an exceptionally rich taste and perfect balance. It is ideal for serving and holds up well in storage. Wine Banfi Vintners Bnf Le Rime P.Grig/Chard 04 will be an excellent choice for true connoisseurs and wine lovers.


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