Wine Banfi vintners cecchi morelino rs 00 + cecchi morelino rs 00 750ml

  • Volume 750 ml

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Banfi Vintners Cecchi Morelino RS 00 + Cecchi Morelino RS 00 are two fine wines produced by the Italian company Banfi Vintners. They combine the best aromas and flavors of Italian vineyards. These wines are highly rated for their taste and aroma. Cecchi Morelino RS 00 offers a deep and complex aroma with accords of black currant and papaya flowers. It also offers sufficient acidity and a pleasant bitterness. The second wine, Cecchi Morelino RS 00, offers a sweet taste with rich aromas of berries, mint and lime. Their balance and pleasant texture make them ideal to accompany many types of dishes. These wines are also suitable for small festive gatherings and festive dinners.


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