Wine Barone ricasoli chianti classico riserva rocca guicciarda 750ml

  • Volume 750 ml

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Barone Ricasoli Chianti Classico Riserva Rocca Guicciarda is a premium wine produced by the famous Ricasoli winery from San Sanna Bartolomeo in Tuscany. This is a deep and dynamic wine with rich taste and aroma. It contains notes of cherry, berries and other floral aromas, as well as dark chocolate. It has a beautiful ruby color. It is composed of the classic Sangiovese and Malva varieties and is aged for at least 24 months in American oak. The result is a wine with well-defined tannins, harmonious tannins and a long finish. Thanks to its unique combination of aromas and flavors, Barone Ricasoli Chianti Classico Riserva Rocca Guicciarda is the ideal wine for a dinner with friends or a family evening.


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