Wine Beaulieu vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon clone 6 1999y 750ml

  • Harvest 1999 y
  • Volume 750 ml

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Beaulieu Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon Clone 6 is a superb wine from top-notch producer Beaulieu Vineyard. This Cabernet Sauvignon Clone 6 is a perfect example of what Cabernet Sauvignon should be. The drink is the perfect combination of dense berry aromas, deep wine notes and a trail of woody notes. The palate features blueberries, black pepper and cinnamon and a slight tangential finish. Beaulieu Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon Clone 6 pairs perfectly with meats and cheeses. Enjoy this delicate and complex wine with respect for its exceptional aromatic and flavor palette.


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