Wine Beaulieu vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon latour priv rsv 87 750ml

  • Volume 750 ml

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Beaulieu Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon Latour Priv RSV 87 is an incredibly high-quality wine produced by the famous wine house Beaulieu. The drink is impeccably grown in the beautiful natural vineyards of Napa, in the highlands of California. The wine passed the examination and received the Latour Priv RSV 87 quality mark, which indicates its high qualities. The aroma of this drink will pleasantly delight you with spicy notes of cherries, dark berries and barrel-aged wood. When you sip, you'll experience a silky density and a lingering finish with a combination of brown florals and notes of barrel-aged wood. This wine is capable of creating a truly satisfying taste that is unforgettable.


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