Wine Bercut vandervoort cellier dauphins White 02 brcv cellier dauphins White 02 white 750ml

  • Color:  white
  • Volume 750 ml

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Bercut Vandervoort Cellier Dauphins White 02 is an excellent white wine with an exquisite taste. The main aromas of the wine are fresh green apples, lemons and tangerines. The piercing flavor profile is dominated by citrus notes, accompanied by subtle aromas of marigold and honey. The wine has a rich and deep structure with prominent tannins and a long and elegant finish. Aged in oak barrels, the wine is an ideal complement to a range of dishes, including cheese dishes, fish and seafood. Enjoy Bercut Vandervoort Cellier Dauphins White 02 and experience true luxury in the wine collection.


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