Wine Bercut vandervoort ch beau duc a. peyri 00 brcv ch beau duc a. peyri 00 750ml

  • Volume 750 ml

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Wine Bercut Vandervoort Ch Beau Duc A. Peyri 00 BRCV Ch Beau Duc A. Peyri 00 is an exceptional fine wine produced in France using ancient winemaking technology. On the palate, it is the perfect combination of red fruit notes, floral aromas and a deep bitterness. The wine goes well with various dishes, in particular game or fish. When stored properly, the rich aromas and flavors will last for a long time. Wine Bercut Vandervoort Ch Beau Duc A. Peyri 00 BRCV Ch Beau Duc A. Peyri 00 is a real pleasure for real gourmets.


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