Wine Bercut vandervoort comte audoin rsv 96 + brcv comte audoin rsv 96 750ml

  • Volume 750 ml

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Bercut Vandervoort Comte Audoin RSV 96 + BRCV Comte Audoin RSV 96 is an aromatic and vibrant wine made from exclusively the best varieties of grape seeds collected in the exquisite wine region of France. This wonderful wine brings real pleasure and charges you with positive emotions. The taste is bright and rich, there are subtle notes of cherry, plum and raspberry, as well as a delicate aromatic invigorating aftertaste. This wine is ideal for both hearty snacks and stronger dishes. The unique taste and aroma of Bercut Vandervoort Comte Audoin RSV 96 + BRCV Comte Audoin RSV 96 will give you unforgettable pleasure and invigorating emotions.


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