Wine Bercut vandervoort louis tete louis tete beaujolais nouveau 750ml

  • Volume 750 ml

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Bercut Vandervoort Louis Tete Louis Tete Beaujolais Nouveau is a truly unique wine for true gourmets. It consists of Beaujolais grapes for the new wine, grown on the slopes of France. This wine has a deep, delicate, fruity aroma with notes of fresh berries and sweet peach melon. On the palate, Bercut Vandervoort Louis Tete Louis Tete Beaujolais Nouveau presents an elegant and graceful aroma that flows into a very harmonious and sweet taste. This wine is perfect for preparing red meat dishes, pasta and sweet desserts. Enjoy Bercut Vandervoort Louis Tete Louis Tete Beaujolais Nouveau and discover the unique taste of French wine!


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