Wine Beringer Wine estates sangiovese/Merlot gabbiano sangiovese/Merlot 750ml

  • Volume 750 ml

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Beringer Wine Estates Sangiovese/Merlot Gabbiano Sangiovese/Merlot is a unique, authentic wine created by a high-quality and refined combination of two famous Italian grape varieties: Sangiovese and Merlot. The wine has a bright, rich aroma of floral notes, which includes the sweets of raspberries and cherries, as well as delicate tones of honey and noble woody aroma. The taste of the wine is pleasantly harmonious, imbued with notes of coffee and chocolate. The aftertaste is long and balanced. Beringer Wine Estates Sangiovese/Merlot Gabbiano Sangiovese/Merlot is an excellent wine for those who value true quality and exceptional taste.


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