Wine Br cohn br cohn carneros Chardonnay 750ml

  • Volume 750 ml

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Br Cohn Br Cohn Carneros Chardonnay is an exceptional wine produced in a closed production circle in the Carneros wine region of California. The combination of classical technologies and modern innovative distillation used in wine production gives an amazing mix of aromas, tastes and textures. The wine has a rich and dense dark yellow color. The aroma is an elegant combination of sweet and rich fruit notes such as pineapple, mango and raspberry, with an undertone of vanilla and hints of nuts. Thick and creamy, the palate combines acidity and notes of almond to complement the palate noticeably and impart a deeper, more complex flavour. A beautiful and harmonious finish creates a perfect balance of sweetness and acidity. This is an ideal wine for light cooked dishes such as rice and seafood.


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