Wine Brazin sonoma Valley (Monte rosso vnyd) ov zin 750ml

  • Volume 750 ml

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Brazin Sonoma Valley (Monte Rosso Vnyd) OV Zin is a stunning wine made from perfectly grown zinfandrill berries in the Sonoma Valley vineyards. The delicate aroma of peach and fragrant honey captivates us from the first sips. The wine features hints of voluptuous red fruits such as apple and orange, as well as sweet hints of cinnamon and spice. Strength, balance and depth of flavor make this wine a wonderful companion for pork, worthy of dishes like teriyaki or stuffed rice pancakes. Enjoy Brazin Sonoma Valley (Monte Rosso Vnyd) OV Zin and immerse yourself in the world of Sonoma Valley aromas and tastes!


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