Wine Baron de Lirondeau red medium dry 11% 750ml

  • Color:  red
  • Sugar:  medium dry
  • Strength 11 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Serving temperature  16–18 °C
  • France   Southern France

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Baron de Lirondeau is a beautiful and unique work of winemaking art. This wine combines high quality and unique style. The rich taste is a dense combination of rich fruit and berry notes, floral aromas and delicate shades of wood. The taste and aroma contain notes of mint, lemon, sweet raspberries, iris and aromatic herbs. And in the aftertaste there is a pleasant bitterness. This is the ideal wine for festive occasions, ideal for parties and friendly gatherings. The unique and inimitable beauty of Baron de Lirondeau makes it one of the most amazing and stylish wines on the market.


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