Wine Bouchard pere&fils bourgogne pinot noir la vigny 2007y dry 750ml

  • Harvest 2007 y
  • Sugar:  dry
  • Volume 750 ml
  • France

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"Bouchard pere&fils bourgogne pinot noir la vigny" is an exquisite wine created with love and care in the famous French winery Bouchard pere&fils. This wine is made from selected Pinot Noir grapes grown in the famous La Vigny vineyards in Burgundy. Its rich aroma reveals notes of ripe berries, tones of wood and nuances of spice. The taste of this wine is rich, harmonious and long, with bright fruity tones and a refined aftertaste. "Bouchard pere&fils bourgogne pinot noir la vigny" is an ideal choice for connoisseurs of high quality and refined taste.


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