Wine Blanc inker.b. medium dry 10.5-12.5% 750ml

  • Sugar:  medium dry
  • Strength 10.5-12.5 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Russia

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Wine "Blanc inker.b." - This is an exquisite combination of lightness and sophistication. This wine was created for those who value high quality and refined taste. The rich aroma of fresh flowers and ripe fruits will take you to the fields of the French province, where every sip is filled with a feeling of freedom and harmony. The delicate aftertaste will leave an unforgettable impression on your heart, reminding you that true splendor lies in the simple moments. Share this unique experience with your loved ones and friends, and let the wine "Blanc inker.b." will become an integral part of your evenings and holidays.