Wine Bourgogne Couvan de Jacobin lie red dry 12.5% 750ml

  • Color:  red
  • Sugar:  dry
  • Strength 12.5 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • France

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Burgundy wine Bourgogne Couvan de Jacobin lie is a true work of art of winemaking, created with love and passion for grapes. This wine has an exquisite bouquet of aromas of ripe fruits, delicate flowers and subtle spices. The taste of this wine is rich and deep, with hints of blackcurrant, vanilla and wood. Every sip of Bourgogne Couvan de Jacobin lie is a journey into the world of exquisite tastes and unique sensations that will leave unforgettable impressions and admiration for all connoisseurs of quality wine.


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