Wine Bourgogne chardonnay white dry 13% 750ml

  • Color:  white
  • Sugar:  dry
  • Strength 13 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • France

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Burgundy wine "Bourgogne Chardonnay" is an exquisite work of art of winemaking, which captivates with its exquisite play of aromas and tastes. This wine is created from selected grape varieties grown in the beautiful vineyards of Burgundy and is the perfect combination of delicate citrus notes, buttery texture and a pleasant mineral finish. Every sip of this wine opens up a world of exquisite flavors and memorable shades, immersing you in an atmosphere of luxury and sophistication. Enjoy this unique wine with close friends or admire it alone, it is sure to provide you with an unforgettable wine experience.


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