Wine Murviedro Murviedro Coleccion Reserva red dry 750ml

  • Color:  red
  • Sugar:  dry
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Grape:   Cabernet Sauvignon   Tempranillo
  • Spain

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Murviedro Murviedro Coleccion Reserva is a powerful and refined wine that comes from the Utiel-Requena region of Spain. It is made from a blend of three grape varieties: Tempranillo, Sauvino and Monastrell. This bright wine has luscious aromas of flowers and fruits, as well as light notes of wood. The taste is combined with harmonious acidity and dense tannins. Murviedro Murviedro Coleccion Reserva is ideal for meat menus and dark chocolate desserts. This wine has a luxurious and long aftertaste.


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