Wine Frescobaldi Castiglioni Chianti red dry 13% 750ml

  • Color:  red
  • Sugar:  dry
  • Strength 13 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Serving temperature  17 °C
  • Grape:   Merlot   Sangiovese
  • Italy   DOCG

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Frescobaldi Castiglioni Chianti is a unique Italian wine with a long and noble history. It is made from the red Sandrone variety and grows on the slopes of the Apennine Peninsula, surrounded by picturesque views of nature and historical sites. The wine has a deep and dark red color, and the aroma is rich and complex, reflecting the influence of environment and climate. The taste combines notes of dried fruits, vanilla and floral accords. Frescobaldi Castiglioni Chianti wine is perfect for preparing old Italian dishes such as pasta or raw meat dishes. It smells great and goes well with meat and fish dishes. This wine will be the perfect addition to your table.


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