Wine Bourgogne Clos de la Combe Chardonnay 2013y white dry 750ml

  • Harvest 2013 y
  • Color:  white
  • Sugar:  dry
  • Volume 750 ml
  • France

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"Bourgogne Clos de la Combe Chardonnay" is an exquisite wine that will take you to the shores of French Burgundy with its amazing flavor notes. The rich aroma of fresh citrus, delicate flowers and lemon oil intertwines with hints of minerals and wood, creating a harmonious and complex bouquet. The taste of this wine is bright and rich, with hints of ripe peaches, pears and vanilla, balanced by acidity and a long, pleasant aftertaste. "Bourgogne Clos de la Combe Chardonnay" is an ideal choice for those who appreciate high quality and refined taste of wine.


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