Wine Chizay Rose Pinot Noir 2020y rose dry 12% 750ml

  • Harvest 2020 y
  • Color:  rose
  • Sugar:  dry
  • Strength 12 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Serving temperature  8–10 °C
  • Grape:   Pinot Noir
  • Ukraine   Transcarpathian region

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Chizay Rose Pinot Noir is a wine with an incredible balance of soft fruit notes and light spicy tones. The taste of the wine consists of pleasant berry and peach aromas, which are combined with incredible notes of oak and citrus. Overall, Chizay Rose Pinot Noir is a wine with a pleasant and long finish, imparting a special harmony of soft fruity and spicy aromas. This wine is perfect for various festive events and pleasant pastimes.


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