Wine Chateau Labegorce Margo red dry 13.5% 750ml

  • Color:  red
  • Sugar:  dry  15 g/l
  • Strength 13.5 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • France   Bordeaux

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Chateau Labegorce Margo is a wine with history, dating back to ancient times. The vines from which it is made grow in a small area on the coast of the Bay of Gibraltar, in France. This wine combines aromas of berries, floral notes and woody notes. It has a bright, dense taste with a silky texture. The taste contains notes of raspberry, strawberry, coriander and sweet chicory. This wine is ideal for dinner with dishes such as fish, poultry, sweet sauces and even desserts. It will give an unforgettable pleasant impression and a wonderful addition to any holiday table.


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